
生物质成型燃料的物理品质和成型机理的研究进展 被引量:126

Review on physical properties and forming mechanisms of biomass briquettes
摘要 为了提高生物质成型燃料的物理品质,以及为成型工艺的合理选择提供理论依据,在生物质成型燃料物理特性试验研究的基础上,结合目前国内外关于生物质压缩成型的最新研究进展,分析了生物质压缩成型的内在机理,揭示了生物质成型燃料的品质指标与生物质成型过程的粒子特性、生化特性和电势特性的关系,为今后深入开展生物质压缩成型的研究提供了新的思路和途径。 In order to improve the quality of biomass briquette and provide the reasonable principles of briquetting process, the physical properties of biomass briquette experiments were carried out and the research trends on biomass briquetting both abroad and at home were discussed. The mechanism of biomass briquetting was analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the relationships between physical properties of biomass briquette and particle behavior, biochemical characteristics or electrical potential characteristics appearing in the compression process were described. Moreover, the new ideas and process for further in-depth studies of biomass briquetting were presented.
作者 盛奎川 吴杰
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期242-245,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 浙江省科技厅重点资助项目(011101084) 石河子大学青年科学基金资助项目 (2 0 0 2 6 0 )
关键词 生物质 成型块 物理品质 成型机理 biomass briquette physical properties forming mechanisms
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