通过流行病学调查和病原分离 ,发现牦犊牛腹泻死亡的病原主要是大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌 ,应用消维康进行预防和治疗 ,试验组和田间成活率提高 2 2 .5和 9.4个百分点 ,周岁犊牛头均多增重 9.74kg。
The cpidemiological investigation and pahtogen separating were done.The results showed that the primary pathogen of yak death for diarrhoea were E.coli and Salmonella.Xiaoweikang was used to prevent and cure the calves diarrhoea,and the survival rate of the test group and the field group was 22.5% and 9.4% respectively.The yearling weight of yak calves was more 9.74kg than the that of the field group.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences