
南极冰盖NO_(3)^(-)浓度记录研究进展 被引量:2

摘要 综述了近年来南极冰盖雪冰中NO- 3浓度的影响因素、NO- 3的来源、沉积后变化及其浓度的时空变化特征的最新研究进展。尽管质子事件、超新星活动、陨石事件、火山喷发和核试验等各种突发事件都可能对南极雪冰中NO- 3浓度产生影响 ,但综述和模拟结果表明中低纬度对流层闪电和极地平流层来源可能是南极雪冰中NO- 3浓度本底的主要来源。综合研究表明 ,南极冰盖雪冰中记录的NO- 3浓度可能是其来源、传输路径。 In recent years, much attention has focused on the atmospheric nitrogen cycle, the second major biogenic cycle. The study of the remote polar atmospheres may provide new and valuable data for the study of global atmospheric chemistry. Moreover, the chemical analysis of polar snow and ice has proved to be a very powerful tool in investigating polar atmospheric chemistry, In this paper, the latest progress of the possible causes of short term Antarctic NO - 3 variations, the possible sources, the post depositional changes and the time and spatial changes of concentrations of NO - 3 in the firn and ice of Antarctic ice sheet have been reviewed. The review indicates that although some solar proton events, galactic supernovae, Tunguska metor, volcanic eruptions and nuclear tests may influence the NO - 3 concentrations in the firn and ice of Antarctic ice sheet, the lightening in the troposphere and the oxidation of N 2O in the stratosphere are the main sources of the background of NO - 3 in Antarctic ice sheet. The comprehensive research shows that the NO - 3 concentrations recorded in the Antarctic ice sheet may be the results of the sources, transmission paths, depositional processes and post depositional processes of NO - 3 in Antarctic ice sheet. Therefore, in order to reveal the environmental meaning of NO - 3 recorded in Antarctic ice sheet, great attentions should be given to a synthetical study of the sources, transmission paths, depositional processes and post depositional processes of NO - 3 in Antarctic ice sheet.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期275-282,共8页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 科技部国际合作重点项目"国际合作南极冰盖内陆考察和冰芯研究"(编号 :2001CB711003) 科技部社会公益项目"南极地区地球环境监测与关键过程研究" (编号:2001DIA50040) 西北师范大学知识与科技创新工程项目"西北地区对全球变化的影响及生态恢复"
关键词 南极冰盖 雪冰 NO_(3)^(-)浓度 来源 时空变化 Antarctica Firn and ice NO_(3)^(-) Source Time and spatial change.
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