
宁夏引黄灌区单种玉米的水分利用效率研究 被引量:9

Study on Water Use Efficiency of Monoculture Maize under Various Cultivated Way in Yellow River Irrigation District of Ningxia Municipality
摘要 针对宁夏引黄灌区严峻的缺水问题,利用玉米的宽窄行种植方式,结合起垄、覆膜、中耕等节水措施,探讨了4种单种玉米种植方式的节水效果和玉米前期推迟灌水的可行性及后期水分胁迫条件下的保水效果。结果表明:垄作沟灌和隔行沟灌可节水34%~35%;覆膜具有较好的增温保水效果,增产幅度在25.4%左右,收支相减,仍有增产效果;隔行沟灌较常规栽培增产幅度在11.8%左右,达到了既增产又节水的目的。在控水条件下,分析了垄背与垄沟、膜内与膜外、宽沟与窄沟的土壤水分差异,提出了玉米推迟灌头水的土壤水分指标,并阐述了后期控水对单种玉米产量及土壤水分的影响。 Aiming at the problem of water scarcity in Yelllow river irrigation district of Ningxia municipality, using wide or narrow row cultivated way of maize, combining with some water saving measure as ridge, plastic film cover, and furrow planting, this paper discussed the water saving effect of four cultivated ways for monoculture maize, the feasibility of postponed irrigation in early stage, and the effect of retaining water under water control in later stage. The results showed that furrow irrigation with ridge and furrow irrigation in interval row could save water at 34 percent to 35 percent, plastic film cover can increase temperature, retain moisture of soil, and increase products at 25.4 percent, and furrow irrigation in interval row can increase products at 11.8 percent. The author also analyzed the difference of soil moisture between furrow and ridge, inside and outside of film, wide and narrow furrow under water control condition, put forward the index of soil moisture for postponed irrigation of maize, expounded the influence of water control in later stage on products and soil moisture of monoculture maize.
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2004年第2期3-6,共4页 Water Saving Irrigation
关键词 节水 玉米 种植方式 水分利用效率 water saving maize cultivated way water use efficiency
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