
东西方体育文化的差异及其在学校体育教育中的运用 被引量:15

Differences between Eastern and Western Sports Cultures and Its Application to School Physical Education
摘要 在分析东西方体育文化哲学观、价值观和方法论差异的基础上,对东西方健身术在学校体育教育中的综合运用与开发,从理论与实践结合角度上提出见解。在学校体育教育中将东西方健身术创造性地巧妙组合,相互交融,不仅可优势互补,而且能构建一种全新的学校体育教学模式。 On the basis of analyzing the differences between the eastern and western sports cultures in the outlook of philosophy, value and methodology, the present article has put forward some ideas about comprehensive application and development of the eastern and western technique of keeping fit in school physical education, from the angle of combining theory with practice. Creatively and ingeniously combining the eastern and western technique of keeping fit in school physical education and making them blend mutually can not only accomplish the mutual supplement of advantages, but also set up a entirely new teaching model of school physical education.
作者 程一辉
机构地区 华侨大学体育部
出处 《上海体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期88-91,共4页 Journal of Shanghai University of Sport
关键词 东方体育文化 西方体育文化 文化差异 学校体育教育 哲学观 价值观 方法论 教学模式 eastern and western sports cultures differences school physical education outlook of philosophy outlook of value methodology
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