大学生常见的人际交往障碍主要包括社交恐惧症、孤独感、自卑感、嫉妒感、猜疑心等 ,形成交往障碍的原因是多方面的 ,共性的原因主要有认知误区、情绪因素、个性缺陷和交往能力不足等 ,克服交往障碍的途径很多 ,除了要正确地认识自己 ,主动与人交往 ,对人以诚相待外 ,还必须掌握必要的交往技巧 ,这样 ,大学生才能通过成功的交往塑造自己、锤炼自己。
The barriers often encountered in students' interpersonal transaction include mainly trepidation, loneliness, inferiority complex, jealousy and suspiciousness, caused by many factors such as cognition mistakes, emotional troubles, defects in personality and lack of transacting confidence. The ways for the elimination of the barriers include appropriate self-cognition, initiation in interpersonal transactions, sincerity in interpersonal interactions and mastery of transaction techniques. Only through these ways can students succeed in improvement of their own images and cultivate their transaction ability.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science