目的: 研究石榴皮提取物体外清除自由基的作用及对低密度脂蛋白(LDL)氧化的影响。方法: 采用 -2O、·OH、ROO·等自由基的生成体系,研究石榴皮提取物清除自由基的活性,并进一步采用LDL体外氧化模型,研究对LDL氧化的抑制作用,并与石榴果汁提取物相比较。结果: 两种提取物均可以有效清除 -2O、稯H、ROO纷杂苫种芁DL氧化,其活性具有剂量效应关系;果皮提取物的各种活性均强于果汁提取物。结论: 石榴皮所含天然抗氧化物质能有效清除 -2O、稯H、ROO返茸杂苫种芁DL氧化,因而可能具有抑制动脉粥样硬化(AS)的作用。
Objective: To investigate the free radical scavenging activities of the extract from pomegranate peel and compare with that from juice. Methods: Free radicals (-2O, 稯H and ROO? scavenging activities were investigated in different special chemical systems. Its inhibition activity on LDL oxidation was studied with LDL oxidation model in vitro. Results:Both extracts had strong abilities to scavenge -2O, 稯H and ROO?radicals and prevent LDL oxidation in dose-dependent manner. The extract from peel showed higher activities than that from juice. Conclusion: The natural antioxidants in the extracts of pomegranate peel or juice can effectively scavenge -2O, 稯H and ROO?radicals, and prevent LDL oxidation significantly, especially much more in the former.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica