北舞渡是清代河南著名商镇之一。该镇商业以粮、油等本地农副产品的集散 ,纸、糖等南方杂货的转运贸易为大宗。北舞渡自身的腹地范围虽然有限 ,但作为周口与赊旗两大商镇之间的水陆过载码头 ,其商货往来范围可及秦晋吴楚乃至湘粤等数省。在清代中叶该镇的鼎盛时期 ,贸易于此的行商。
Beiwudu Town was one of the most famous commercial towns in Henan province i n the Qing Dynasty The commerce of this town centered on the collection and di s tribution of grain, vegetable oil, and other local agricultural products and the transshipment of paper, sugar and sundry goods from southern China Although t h e town's hinterland was limited, as the water-land transfer point between the tw o large commercial towns of Zhoukou and Seqi, its commercial influence extended to several provinces, such as Shaanxi , Shanxi ,Jiangxu, Hunan, and Guangdong, a nd other areas At the peak of its develop during middle Qing there were about four or five hundred trade establishments and shops in Beiwudu
The Qing History Journal