

Present situation and prospect of Yunnan provinces high-analysis phosphate & compound fertilizer and sulphuric acid industries
摘要 介绍了2001-2003年云南省主要磷化工产品,尤其是高浓度磷复肥和硫酸的生产情况,及云南省磷化工的发展目标。根据大型装置的改造和市场需求情况,预计2010年云南省高浓度磷复肥生产能力达5600 kt/a,硫酸生产能力达9000 kt/a。 Yunnan provinces production situation of phosphate chemical industry from 2001 to 2003, especially high-analysis phosphate & compound fertilizer and sulphuric acid industries, and development aim are introduced. Its forecasted that the provinces production capacity of high- analysis phosphate & compound fertilizers and sulphuric acid in 2010 will attain to 5 600 kt/a and 9 000 kt/a, respectively, according to the revamping of large-scale plants and demands of market.
作者 陶俊法
出处 《硫酸工业》 CAS 2004年第2期1-5,共5页 Sulphuric Acid Industry
关键词 云南省 磷复肥 硫酸 生产 现状 发展 Yunnan province phosphate compound fertilizer sulphuric acid production present situation prospect
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