以兰州市淀粉厂附近土壤中分离到的地衣状芽孢杆菌 (BacillusLicheniformis)为菌株 ,经过诱变选育出一株高产异淀粉酶菌株 ,并对其产生的异淀粉酶的性质进行了研究 ,结果表明酶作用的最适条件为 5 0℃ ,pH为 6 .8;在 5 0℃以下 ,pH 5 .0~ 8.0条件下较稳定 ;酶活性受Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、Mn2 + 激活 ,Mn2 + 的激活作用较强 ,但受到Fe2 + 和Cu2 + 的严重抑制 .
The primitive strain was isolated from the soil of the starch factory in Lanzhou.After mutagenetic treatments,a high yield stable strain was obtained.Its properities were studied:the optimum temperature and pH were 50 ℃ and 6.8;It can be stable below 50 ℃ and at pH 5.0~8.0;Its activity was promoted by Ca^(2+),Mg^(2+)and Mn^(2+) and inhibited by Fe^(2+)and Cu^(2+).
Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Natural Science)