目的 调查某高校新生乙型肝炎病毒感染情况及感染模式。方法 应用ELISA方法检测北京某高校 2 0 0 2年度 3 2 0 5名新生的HBsAg感染情况 ,对HBsAg阳性者的HBsAg、HBeAg、抗 HBe、抗 HBc等乙型肝炎指标进行检测并分析其感染模式。 结果 共检出HBsAg阳性 162人 ,HBsAg携带率为 5 0 5 % ,其中“大三阳”64人 ,阳性率为 3 9 5 1% ,“小三阳”69人 ,阳性率为 42 5 9%。 结论 重视新生乙型肝炎病毒感染情况及感染模式的检测 ,对防治乙型肝炎在高校的流行和传播具有重要意义。
Objective To investigate the infective rate and infective model of hepeitis B virus in new college students.Methods ELISA was used to detect the infection of hepatitis B virus in 3 205 studnts from a Beijng college in the year of 2 002.The infective model was analyzed among those HBsAg positives.Results There were 162 HBsAg positive students.The infective rate was 5.05%.There were 64 students with “HBsAg+HBeAg+Anti-HBc”and 69 students with “HBsAg+Anti-HBc+Anti-HBc”among those HBsAg positives,which positive rate is 39.51% and 42.59% respectively.Conclusion There was important signiticance to adop tmeasures to prevent the prevalence and spread of hepatitis B in colleges with knowing the infection rate and infective model of hepatitis B virus in students.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers