中国古代文学是大学中文系的重要基础课程 ,教材分量较重 ,教学课时最多。多年来已形成了一套较稳定的教学模式。但是 ,随着文学领域日新月异的变化 ,古代文学在教学科研上 ,无论是方法还是观念都有些落后于时代 。
The Chinese ancient literature is an important basic course for the Chinese department of the university. Its teaching material is too much and its teaching hours are most in the all courses. After many years` evolvement, this course has developed a stable teaching pattern. Because of the quickly change of the scope of the literature, both the means and the concept of the teaching and research of the ancient literature are all lagging behind the times. So it is necessary to reform the contents and the methods of the teaching.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences