As one of the main driving forces, wireless cell phone market saw annual growth rate of 15% or so over the last several years. With over200 million subscribers and annual shipment of 150 million units, China is the world's largest market and producer. While the 3G iscoming, the consensus among the industry analysts is that high-end product such as camera phone and smart phone are showing strongdemand in the market. By the end of 2003, there are already 55 million camera phone subscribers worldwide, twice of that in 2002.Driven by the strong market growth, component manufacturers are releasing numerous products, by which many useful functions can beimplemented. But for those cell phone OEMs, there is do a dilemma ahead of them. If too many inviting features are integrated into a cellphone, much higher cost is to be seen and this will definitely limits the wide popularity of these phones. Even higher performance is muchneeded, product designers have to keep in mind that the trade-off between performance, functions and cost has to be taken into account.
Electronic Engineering & Product World