
Cloning and analysizing the up-regulated expression of transthyretin-related gene (LR_1) in rat liver regeneration following short interval successive partial hepatectomy 被引量:5

Cloning and analysizing the up-regulated expression of transthyretin-related gene(LR_1)in rat liver regeneration following short interval successive partial hepatectomy
摘要 AIM: Cloning and analysizing the up-regulated expressionof transthyretin-related gene following short intervalsuccessive partial hepatectomy (SISPH) to elucidate themechanism of differentiation, division, dedifferentiation andredifferentiation in rat liver regeneration (LR).METHODS: Lobus external sinister and lobus centralissinister, lobus centralis, lobus dexter, lobus candatus wereremoved one by one from rat liver at four different time points4, 36, 36 and 36 hr (total time: 4 hr, 40 hr, 76 hr, 112 hr)respectively. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) wascarried out by using normal rat liver tissue as driver and thetissue following short interval successive partial hepatectomy(SISPH) as tester to construct a highly efficient forward-subtractive cDNA library. After screening, an interested ESTfragment was selected by SSH and primers were designedaccording to the sequence of the EST to clone the full-lengthcDNA fragment using RACE (rapid amplification of cDNAend). Homologous detection was performed between thefull-lenth cDNA and Genbank.RESULTS: Forward suppression subtractive hybridization(FSSH) library between 0 h and 112 h following SISPH wasconstructed and an up-regulated full-length cDNA (namedLR1), which was related with the transthyretin gene, wascloned by rapid amplification of cDNA end. It was suggestedthat the gene is involved in the cellular dedifferentiation inLR following SISPH.CONCLUSION: Some genes were up-regulated in 112 hfollowing SISPH in rat. LR1 is one of these up-regulatedexpression genes which may play an important role in rat LR. AIM:Cloning and analysizing the up-regulated expression of transthyretin-related gene following short interval successive partial hepatectomy(SISPH)to elucidate the mechanism of differentiation,division,dedifferentiation and redifferentiation in rat liver regeneration(LR). METHODS:Lobus external sinister and lobus centralis sinister,lobus centralis,lobus dexter,Iobus candatus were removed one by one from rat liver at four different time points 4,36,36 and 36 hr(total time:4 hr,40 hr,76 hr,112 hr) respectively.Suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH)was carried out by using normal rat liver tissue as driver and the tissue following short interval successive partial hepatectomy (SISPH)as tester to construct a highly efficient forward- subtractive cDNA library.After screening,an interested EST fragment was selected by SSH and primers were designed according to the sequence of the EST to clone the full-length cDNA fragment using RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA end).Homologous detection was performed between the full-lenth cDNA and Genbank. RESULTS:Forward suppression subtractive hybridization (FSSH)library between 0 h and 112 h following SISPH was constructed and an up-regulated full-length cDNA(named LR1),which was related with the transthyretin gene,was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA end.It was suggested that the gene is involved in the cellular dedifferentiation in LR following SISPH. CONCLUSION:Some genes were up-regulated in 112 h following SISPH in rat.LR_1 is one of these up-regulated expression genes which may play an important role in rat LR.
出处 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期148-151,共4页 世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)
基金 grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.39970362 Tackle Key of Scientific and Technical Problem of Henan Province,No.0122031900
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