作者分别于 2 0 0 0年 3月、6月、7月在北京市十三陵林场苗圃 ,选不同年龄的白皮松母树 ,以 1年生硬枝和嫩枝为试材进行扦插试验 ,研究了白皮松插穗生根的生理生化基础 .采用高效液相色谱法测定插穗内源激素 (IAA、ABA、GA3和ZT)和酚类化合物的含量 ,硫代硫酸钠滴定法测定总糖和凯式定氮法测定总氮含量 .结果表明 :在同一扦插时期 ,采自不同年龄母树的插穗中 ,IAA、ZT、GA3、总糖、酚类化合物的含量及IAA ABA、IAA ZT的比值均与其生根率呈正相关关系 ;而在不同扦插时期 ,采自同龄母树的插穗中只有总糖、IAA ABA、总糖 总氮的比值与其生根率呈正相关关系 ,其它内含物却与其生根率呈负相关关系 .由此可见 ,单一的某种激素、酚类化合物对白皮松插穗生根没有明显的影响 ;白皮松插穗能否生根主要受IAA ABA和总糖 总氮比值的调控 ,比值越大 。
The rooting experiments on cuttings of Pinus bungeana were carried out in the nursery of Beijing Shisanling Forestry Center in March, June and July of 2000. One year old hardwoods and softwoods from seed trees of Pinus bungeana with different ages were used to study the physiological and biochemical basis of rooting. The content of endogenous hormones, including IAA,ABA,GA 3 and ZT, and phenol compounds were measured using HPLC, and that of total sugar and total nitrogen were analyzed by the methods of hyposulphite titration and nitrogen(Kjeldahl).The results show that the content of IAA, ZT, GA 3, total sugar, phenol compounds as well as the ratio of IAA to ABA, IAA to ZT from seed trees of different ages are positively correlated with the rooting rate during the same cutting period. However, only the content of total sugar, ratio of IAA to ABA, and total sugar to total nitrogen is positively correlated with the rooting rate, the other endogenous substances from seed trees of same age are contrary to the results mentioned above in the different cutting periods.The authors conclude that the single hormone and phenol compounds have no obvious effect on the rooting of cuttings.The ratios of IAA to ABA and total sugar to total nitrogen are the main factors controlling the rooting of Pinus bungeana cuttings. The larger the ratio,the higher the rooting rate of cuttings.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
Pinus bungeana , cutting, rooting rate, physiological and biochemical basis