

On how labor union to stand their accurate political location
摘要  在发展社会主义市场经济的条件下,工会组织要准确把握自己的政治定位,正确认识和处理好领导与被领导之间的关系、服务党的中心工作与独立开展工作的关系、依法维权和服务职工的关系。要突出维护职工合法权益的职能,保障职工的政治权利和主人翁地位。 Under the condition developing socialist market economy, labor union must stand their political location accurately, must know and handle these relations correctly: relation between leading and being led, relation between serving the central work of Party and working independently, relation between defending rights according to law and serving staff, etc, must stress the functions of safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of staff, and guarantee the political rights and masters positions for staff.
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2004年第3期16-17,共2页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
关键词 工会组织 政治定位 职能 市场经济 中国共产党 政治权利 三个代表 labor union political location exercising functions
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