中国近代行会制度完全为同业公会制度所取代经历了约 90余年时间。鸦片战争后 ,随着中国经济、政治领域的新变化 ,行会不断受到冲击与挑战 ,资本主义关系的成长与新兴工商业的发展对行业组织提出了新的制度要求 ,传统行会开始了内在性变迁 ,组织缓慢趋新 ,功能逐渐转变 ,形成一种较有利于行业发展的非正式制度安排。但是这种内在性的变迁在行业上与地区上表现出很大的差异性与不平衡性 ,同时 ,要使这种非正式制度安排具有权威性 ,还必须得到国家的法律支持 ,使其成为一种正式制度安排。晚清至民国政府颁布的一系列法令及其配套措施 ,提供了行会变迁的制度供给系统 ,加之商会的推波助澜、西方同业公会的示范效应 ,从外部促成行会的最终转型。近代中国行会到同业公会的制度变迁是内力与外力相结合的产物、是自上而下的强制性变迁与自下而上的内在性变迁两种方式交织的结果。
The transformation of systems of Trade Association by that of business guild have experienced for more than 90 years in modern China. After the Opium War (1840-1842), with the new changes in the economic and political field of China, the guild systems were assaulted and challenged constantly.The growth of the capitalist relation and development of the new developing industry and commerce have put forward requests for the trade organization in the field of systems. The traditional guild has begun inherent changes, its function has changed gradually, which formed a kind of unofficial system that benefit the trade's development. But the inherent changes demonstrate great differences and uneven qualities in terms of different trades and areas. In addition, to make the unofficial system arrangement possess authorities, government's legal support must be obtained so as make a formal one. A series of decrees and supplementary measures from Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China government, offered conditions for system changes of Trade Association. Meanwhile, both the help of chamber of commerce and the demonstration effects of western trade councils, promoted the final transformation of the guild. The system changes of guild in modern China were the results of internal forces combined with external forces, at the same time, were also the results of mandatory changes and inherent changes interweaved with each other from top to bottom.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目 ( 2 0 0 0 ZDXM770 0 0 5 )
modern China
Trade Association
the transformation of system