
关于西部地区实施非均衡发展战略的思考 被引量:1

On Carrying Out The Strategy Of Unbalance development In The Western Region
摘要 继续实施非均衡发展战略是西部地区全面建设小康社会的现实选择。其重点是培育增长极,实施西部中心城市优先发展的非均衡战略。 Carrying out the strategy of unbalance development continuously is the re alistic choice to con-struct well-off society totally in the western region.I ts stress is to foster new increasing points to carry out the strategy of unbala nce development to develop the central cities first in the western region.
作者 李卫宁 粟岚
出处 《中共云南省委党校学报》 2004年第2期85-88,共4页 The Journal of Yunnan Provincial Committee School of CPC
关键词 西部地区 非均衡发展 全面建设小康社会 经济建设 城市建设 western region the strategy of unbalance development foster increasing points
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