
氟碳铈矿酸浸过程中铁和铈的行为研究 被引量:4

Leaching Behaviors of Ce ^(4+) and Fe^(3+) Ions in Bastnaesite with Sulfuric Acid
摘要 针对氟碳铈矿浸出液直接萃取提铈过程中F- ,Fe3+ 等杂质的存在造成的有机乳化问题 ,重点研究了焙烧矿在稀硫酸浸出过程中铈和铁的浸出行为。通过研究发现 ,在不同的浸出温度下铁和铈的浸出率有差异。结果表明 ,采用低温浸出有利于铁和铈分离 ,在浸出温度为 40~ 5 0℃时 ,最高铈铁比可达到 2 2 0以上 ,通过延长反应时间可以提高有价元素铈的浸出率。 When using oxidative roasting-leaching with H 2SO 4-solvent extraction process to treat bastnaesite, the impurity such as Fe 3+, F- in leaching liquid could be resulted in emulsification of organic phase in solvent extraction. In order to avoid the bad effect of Fe 3+ in leaching liquid on the solvent extraction, the leaching behaviors of Fe 3+ and Ce 4+ in bastnaesite with sulfuric acid was studied. It can be found that the concentration of Ce differs from that of Fe on different reaching temperature. The result shows that the low temperature is preferred for separation of Fe. When the reaching temperature is in the range of 40~50 ℃, the biggest value of Ce 4+/Fe 3+ in leaching liquid may be over 220, and prolonging time improves recovery rate of value elements such as Ce.
出处 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期452-454,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rare Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金资助 (5 0 3 740 15 )
关键词 氟碳铈矿 浸出 bastnaesite leaching cerium iron
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