数字化医院建设是目前国家卫生信息化的重点工作之一 ,也是国内医院现代化建设新兴的热点。数字化医院建设是随着计算机信息技术的进步而逐步兴起和发展的。本文总结了国内外的发展历程 ,阐述了国内医院信息化的四个发展阶段 ,即单机应用阶段、部门级软件应用阶段、医院级系统应用阶段、数字化建设阶段。概述了目前国内医院数字化现状 ,提出了建设中所存在的问题 ,即管理理念有待提升、全面应用有待深入、资金投入总体不足、体系整合问题突出、配套法规亟待完善 ,并探讨了相应的对策。
Nowadays, construction of digital hospital is one of the most important work of the hygienic informationization and focus of hospital modernization. Digital hospital construction has been risen accompanied with progress of the information technology. The author summarized the development courses and present situation of domestic and international digital hospital implementation, and described four developing stages as single computer,department information system, hospital information system and digital hospital system;then pointed out five questions as management theory, application field, fund input insufficient, system combination and demand of auxiliary laws. Besides, the development trend of the next stage as well the construction strategy of digital hospital in China was also expatiated.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army