
毛发水解制1—胱氨酸生产工艺中的几个重要环节 被引量:1

Important Factors in the Process of Producing I--Cystine by the Method of Hydrolyzing Hair
摘要 本文简介了毛发水解制(?)-胱氨酸得率在6~7%的生产工艺,并对工艺中影响效率的水解温度、水解时间,脱色时活性炭用量,中和时间,盐酸浓度,水洗等几个重要环节及控制方法进行了分析讨论,提出了较为理想的工艺控制参数,该工艺达到目前国内先进水平。 This article has intrduced a new technique of producing l-cystineby the method of hydrolyzing hair with a yield rate of 6~ 7%,andanalyzed several important factors which will have an effect on the yield rate These factors include hydrolysis temperature hydrolysis- time the amount of active carbon used in the period of decolorization neutralization time concentration of hydrochloric acid etc On the basis of analyses the author has discussed the control methods and proposed more appropriate process control parameters The techjque is in adva - ncement in present China
作者 韦国余
出处 《氨基酸杂志》 1993年第3期31-32,共2页
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