The culitivation model of double-cropping late keng rice, Xiu shui 664, were studied bydesign of rotation regression orthogoned conbination, in Wuhu and Shuchen during 1990 and1991. The experiment consisted of 5 factors including seedling age, bunches/ha, the manuring ofnitrogen, pnosphorus and potassium and 5 levels of each factor. The date gained by a statisticalanalysis indicated that the effect of the test factors on the paddy yield per ha and its maincomponents was quite remarkable. The quadratic regression equation were respectively obtainedand the optimum results were chosen. There were 836 combinations of over 6750 kg/ha of thepaddy yield. The confidence limit at 95% level is about 32.7--33.4 days of the seeedling age,480--495 thousand bunches/ha and optimum using of nitrogen, phosphorns and potassium per hawas 175.5--180,52.5--57 and 123--135 kg,respectively. The cultivation model table that coordinated with the regression mathematical model wasworked out. The 'four less and four higher' is the technical route. Seeds were sown for 300--375kg/ha in rice seed--bed. They were transplanted for 3--4 seedling per bunch and were notfertilized for attacking tiller combined with shallow water--moist--sun filed in the rice field.According to the appropriate effective panicles/m^2 rate of tiller panicles, rate of stem and tillerpanicles, rate of fruit, grain weight/panicles were increased. The high yield, high quality and highbenefits were obtained.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
Double--cropping late keng rice
Regression model
Cultivation model table
Route of cultivating technigue