化学反应器的模拟计算是反应器设计的基础,其中会遇到大量的复杂的数学模型求解问题,教学中采用传统的手工计算或编程计算的方法都十分困难。MathCAD 是专门用于科学运算的计算机应用软件,其最大的优点是不用编程序、计算过程简便,为完成反应器的模拟计算提供了先进的计算工具。作者根据长期的教学和科研实践经验,开发出使用Math-CAD2000解决反应器模拟计算的实用方法,可以提高专业教学水平。
The simulating calculation of the chemical reactors is the basis of chemical reactor design in which a lot of complex mathe-matical models have to be solved.It is very annoying to solve these models during teaching courses in classroom both by programmingand by hand.As computer software,MathCAD is specialized to the scientific calculation.The advantage of the usage of MathCAD formathema tical calculation is not only convenient but also quick without programming.So it is very suitable for the simulating calculationsin the design of chemical reactor.While there is almost no literatures about it published yet.Thereby according to the practice of teach-ing and scientific research,the author developed the applicable methods in the simulating calculation of the chemical reactor by Math-CAD2000.
Computers and Applied Chemistry