
话语中的时间、时间表达和时间连贯 被引量:10

Time, Temporal Expressions and Temporal Cohesion: a Discourse Analysis Approach
摘要 时间不仅是一种物理现象和宇宙特征 ,而且还是一种语言现象。话语中的时间表达表现出程度不同的习语性。它们构成了指示话语时间性的习语资源。公共时间表达体现的是制度化的时间理解方式 ,个人时间表达体现出对时间的理解有时会因人而异。时间表达为话语的衔接与连贯做出贡献 ,其重要性因语篇体裁类型而有所不同。 Although time is usually regarded as a physical phenomenon and a feature of cosmos, the perception of time is culture-specific. The number of temporal expressions in English indicates that there exists not a homogeneous cosmic time, but a plurality of times determined by social and psychological factors. Public time indicates institutionalized ways of perceiving time, while personal time talks about time from the individual's point of view. Temporal expressions help to make clear not only the duration of the events, but also the chronological sequence of the events, and by such means contribute to the cohesion and coherence of discourse. In the register of travel advertising, where chronology is sometimes crucial, temporal connectives play an important role in constructing the discourse.
作者 丁建新
机构地区 中山大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期63-67,共5页 Foreign Language Research
基金 中山大学 2 0 0 2年度文科青年教师桐山研究基金项目<预制性语言的系统功能语言学研究>成果之一。
关键词 时间 时间表达 时间连贯 话语的时间性 time temporal expressions temporal cohesion temporality of discourse
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