审美能力的培养是素质教育的一个重要方面。高校开展审美教育 ,首先必须注重培养学生对美好事物的审美感受能力和鉴赏能力 ,其中包括对审美对象的形式、内容、思想寓意等的理解能力、鉴别能力和整体评价能力 ,进而发展审美创造能力。在高校英语教学中 ,将课堂教学与审美教育有机地结合起来 ,对学生的文化素质和思想修养等方面的提高有着不可估量的作用。英语教学应该把美的传播贯穿于整个语言教学过程之中 ,结合英语语言材料中所具有的美的事物 ,培养受教育者正确的审美观点 ,提高其审美能力 ,使受教育者在学习英语语言的同时 ,情感受到真善美的陶冶 ,心灵受到激荡 ,人格得到升华。
It is of vital importance to cultivate the learners' aesthetic judgment in quality education. In the colleges and universities, aesthetic education starts with cultivating the students' abilities to appreciate the beautiful things, including the abilities to understand, distinguish and evaluate the beautifulness in the forms, contents, and the implied meanings of the objects. In teaching English in colleges and universities, the teachers should skillfully combine teaching language knowledge and skills with aesthetic education, in order to help the students to form, develop and improve their cultural quality, their self-cultivation, and their correct aesthetic sense as well as their aesthetic judgment, by using the selected English readings in the textbooks. Therefore English teaching should not only remain in telling the language knowledge and developing the skills of using the language, but it should also spread beautiful things through language teaching. It is very important to instruct the learners with English language materials, to cultivate their ability to recognize beautiful feelings, to enable the students to appreciate the beautifulness and to encourage the students to use their aesthetic creative power. In this way, the learner's emotions will be touched by the truth, the good and the beautiful.
Foreign Language Education
English teaching
aesthetic judgment