大岩桐试管苗健化期间的各项管理技术直接影响到种苗的成活 ,本文从大岩桐试管苗的移栽时期 ,健化期的水、肥、光管理及病虫害防治等方面总结出最适的管理模式 ,以利提高健化苗的成活率和种苗质量。
Each item of management technique during healthiness of tube seedling from sinningia speciosa directly affects survival rate of seedling. This article has summed out most suitable management mode from aspects of transplant period, management in water, fertilizer and light during healthiness period, disease and pest control for tube seedling of sinningia speciosa so as to be beneficial to enhancing survival rate and seedling quality of healthy seedling.
Hubei Forestry Science and Technology