
抛物阱中极化子效应对激子的影响 被引量:4

Polaron Effects on Excitons in Parabolic Quantum Wells
摘要 研究了抛物阱中极化子效应对激子的影响.利用变分法计算了重空穴激子和轻空穴激子的基态能量及其能量移动,所采用的是含有三个变分参数的无分离的试探波函数,结果发现考虑LO声子效应的重空穴激子的基态能量高于裸激子的基态能量,而考虑LO声子效应的轻空穴激子的基态能量低于裸激子的基态能量. The polaron effects on excitons in a parabolic quantum well are studied.Using a non-separable trial wave function with three variational parameters,we calculate the ground state energies and the energies shifts of the heavy hole excitons and the light hole excitons. It is found that, the ground state energy of the heavy hole exciton with LO-phonons is higher than that of the bare exciton,and the ground state energy of the light hole exciton with LO-phonons is lower than that of the bare exciton.
作者 元丽华 王旭
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期391-395,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(10164003)
关键词 抛物阱 激子 电子-LO声子互作用 parabolic quantum well exciton electron-LO-phonon interaction
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