我们从1981—1983年对尖峰岭热带林进行了昆虫区系调查,作为全国森林病虫大普查的补充和为尖峰岭热带林生态系统研究提供基本资料。现将部分资料报道如下: 一、自然概况尖峰岭位于海南岛的西南部N18°23′—52′,E108°46′—109°02′。面积为472km^2。主峰海拔1412m。属季风热带岛屿气候,全年11—4月为旱季,5—10月为湿季。本林区的乔灌木树种有74科171属303种。主要森林类型有4种,即(1)山顶苔藓矮林:位于1200m以上的孤蜂或狭窄山脊上,面积不大,年平均气温18℃,相对湿度88%以上,常年风大,旱季有云雾。林木低矮弯曲,树干上附有苔藓,树种单纯,维管束植物有83种。(2)热带山地雨林:位于海拔700—1200m之间,属于面积最大的类型。
This paper deals with Lithosiidae, one of the families of insect fauna at Jianfengling forest area in Hainan Island. Insect capture with moth-killing lamp in the four types of forest vegetation has been done 231 times in 1981-1983 and 44 species 20 genera of this family have been collected. Among them, 20 species have been found for the new records in Guangdong Province. The capturing quantities show that the populations of the insects of Lithosiidae are very small. There are many groups with small population and a few with large population. It is concluded from the species and quanutities of every forest vegetation type that most of the insect species of Lithosiidae are in the tropical mountain rain forest. This can be explained by the fact that there are many host plants such as moss and lichen in this habitat. The appearance poriods of the adults in the fourth quarter and least in the first quarter. Some 82.35% of the insects with previous record in distribution are distributed in Oriental Region.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae