副肿瘤性小脑变性(paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, PCD)也称为副肿瘤性小脑共济失调,是最常见的副肿瘤性神经综合征之一。本文报告了1例主因头晕1月,双下肢无力10天,加重伴构音障碍6天的患者,经相关辅助检查及治疗后,确诊为PCD。根据该病例,我们进行了相关文献的回顾。
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD), also known as paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxia, is one of the most common paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. This article reports a patient who suffered from dizziness for one month, weakness in both lower limbs for 10 days, and worsening accompanied by articulation disorders for 6 days. After auxiliary examination and treatment, the patient was diagnosed with paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxia. Based on this case, we conducted a re-view of relevant literature.
Advances in Clinical Medicine