The success of the quantum entanglement experiment proves that Einstein lacks understanding of quantum mechanics theory, and Einstein’s modern metaphysical esse philosophical view should be an important reason for his lack of understanding. The transcendence of classical mechanics by quantum mechanics is not only a transformation of the scientific paradigm, but also a change in the philosophical paradigm at a deep level, that is, the abandonment of the modern praxis philosophical paradigm led by Marxist praxis philosophy to the philosophical paradigm of modern metaphysics. Einstein believed that any physical theory should have a one-to-one correspondence with physical esse, so quantum mechanics of “uncertainty” became an immature theory in his eyes. From the dimension of Marxist praxis philosophy, this paper clarifies that the completeness of quantum theory lies in “praxis” rather than “esse”;Quantum systems are essentially “praxis systems” rather than “separation systems”;The way of understanding quantum mechanics theory follows “praxis causation” rather than “esse causation”, thus demonstrating that the limitations of Einstein’s modern metaphysical esse philosophical view lead to the limitation of his understanding of quantum mechanics, and also prove the theoretical and practical significance of Marxist praxis philosophical thinking in understanding quantum mechanics theory.
Advances in Philosophy