随着经济社会的发展和城市化进程的推进,水资源的需求得到提高。“人与自然和谐相处”对水资源的数量和质量提出了更多更高的需求,特别是水资源管理和河湖长制对水资源利用与保护提出了更严格的要求;随着经济的快速发展,楚雄州水资源不足的问题已是社会普遍关注的问题。因此,本文对楚雄州多年平均水资源总量和可利用量进行了分析计算,得到楚雄州多年平均水资源总量为61.09亿m3,人均多年平均水资源拥有量仅2230 m3,比全省人均水资源拥有量4379 m3低了2149 m3,可利用量19.48亿m3,故楚雄州处于滇中干旱缺水地区。本文结论可供楚雄州水资源合理配置、开发利用和水资源管理方面参考。
With the development of economy and society and the advancement of urbanization, the demand for water resources has been increased. The slogan “harmony between man and nature” puts forward more and higher demands on the quantity and quality of water resources. In particular, the water resources management and river and lake chief system put forward more stringent requirements on the utilization and protection of water resources. With the rapid development of economy, the shortage of water resources in Chuxiong Prefecture has become a common concern of the society. Therefore, this paper analyzes and calculates the annual average total and available water resources of Chuxiong Prefecture, and obtains that the annual average total water resources of Chuxiong Prefecture is 6.109 billion m3, and the annual average per capita water resources ownership is only 2230 m3, which is 2149 m3 lower than the provincial average water resources ownership of 4379 m3, and the available water consumption is 1.948 billion m3. Therefore, Chuxiong Prefecture is in the area of drought of Yunnan province. The conclusion of this paper can be used as reference for the rational allocation, development and utilization of water resources and water resources management in Chuxiong Prefecture.