通过对四种近十年(2013~2022)国内汉语类专业期刊中关于汉语二语口语习得文献的梳理和统计,发现:1) 汉语二语口语习得研究整体呈上升趋势,重视度提高。2) 研究视角多样化。多数学者从不同的理论和方法出发,对汉语二语口语习得的影响因素进行分析,开始关注到习得者的主体因素和母语差异。3) 研究内容丰富。既有对汉语二语口语整体发展的研究,还有从不同维度和不同方面对汉语二语口语习得的讨论。同时,本文对该领域已有研究的不足之处进行总结,从研究方法、研究对象、研究领域等多方面为今后的进一步研究提出新的展望。
Based on the sorting and statistics of the literature on oral Chinese language acquisition in four domestic professional journals of Chinese language in the last decade (2013~2022), it is found that: 1) the research on oral Chinese language acquisition is on the rise as a whole, and the degree of attention has increased. 2) The research perspective is diversified. Most scholars, starting from different theories and methods, have analyzed the factors that affect the acquisition of oral Chinese as a second language, and have begun to pay attention to the main factors and the differences in their mother tongue of learners. 3) The research content is abundant. There are not only studies on the overall development of oral Chinese as a second language, but also discussions on the acquisition of oral Chinese as a second language from different dimensions and aspects. At the same time, this paper summarizes the shortcomings of the existing research in this field, and puts forward new prospects for further research from the aspects of research methods, research objects, research fields, etc.
Modern Linguistics