2022年义务教育阶段新课标的颁布,对于小学英语教学来说有了更多值得思考的地方和挑战的内容。伴随着新课标的理念,PBL (项目化学习)也映入了我们英语教学的眼帘。PBL,全称Project-based Learning,对于当下的小学英语课堂教学来说有一定的指导作用,也十分适应小学英语课堂的改革。项目化学习的教学方法是通过一个完整的Project实施,在课堂教学中的过程中,将项目化学习的理论与课堂教学实践相互联系,从而去充分激发学生创造的潜能,提高学生对现实生活中实问题解决的综合能力,使学生有效学习,收获知识,这样可以使学生对于原有的知识,通过自己的思考与探究去发现其中的规律和知识,能更好掌握其中的知识,也使学习充满了乐趣。
With the promulgation of the new curriculum standards for compulsory education in 2022, there are more places worth thinking about and challenges for primary school English teaching. Along with the concept of the new curriculum standard, PBL (project-based Learning) has also come into the eye of our English teaching. PBL, the full name of Project-based Learning, plays a certain guiding role in the current primary school English classroom teaching, and is also very suitable for the reform of primary school English teaching. The teaching method of project-based learning is to connect the theory of project-based learning with class teaching practice through the implementation of a complete Project in the process of class teaching, so as to fully stimulate students' creative potential, improve their comprehensive ability to solve real problems in real life, and enable students to learn effectively and gain knowledge. In this way, students can find out the rules and knowledge of the original knowledge through their own thinking and exploration, so that they can better grasp the knowledge and make learning full of fun.
Advances in Education