We present a new kind of method of electromagnetic flaw nondestructive testing with coating of metamaterials and simulation near electromagnetic field property for test crack. The simulation of improving a Nondestructive testing (NDT) probe electromagnetic radiant property by Metamatrials (MMs) covering a tiny current element is investigated and analyzed using Ansoft HFSS based on finite element method (FEM), which permittivity and permeability are negative. Electromagnetic model: Ideal MMs ball shell with inner radius of 1 mm and outer radius variation, and the shell’s relative permittivity and relative permeability are all –3.0, dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent are all 0.1;and exciting current element length is with 0.3 mm, diameter 0.2 mm, value 1 mA at frequency 10 GHz;and simulation is with radiation boundary conditions. The simulating near electromagnetic field variety with ratio of inner radius and out radius, and so near or local field of MMs sensor on a surface crack, as well as comparing near field value of sensor with coating common material are finished. Results can be seen that MMs film sensor near electromagnetic field and radiation properties are obviously better than other two kinds of structures without coating medium and coating with common medium, and Metamaterial may be opened out some new kinds of sensors in electromagnetic flaw nondestructive testing for potential practical applications in future.
We present a new kind of method of electromagnetic flaw nondestructive testing with coating of metamaterials and simulation near electromagnetic field property for test crack. The simulation of improving a Nondestructive testing (NDT) probe electromagnetic radiant property by Metamatrials (MMs) covering a tiny current element is investigated and analyzed using Ansoft HFSS based on finite element method (FEM), which permittivity and permeability are negative. Electromagnetic model: Ideal MMs ball shell with inner radius of 1 mm and outer radius variation, and the shell’s relative permittivity and relative permeability are all –3.0, dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent are all 0.1;and exciting current element length is with 0.3 mm, diameter 0.2 mm, value 1 mA at frequency 10 GHz;and simulation is with radiation boundary conditions. The simulating near electromagnetic field variety with ratio of inner radius and out radius, and so near or local field of MMs sensor on a surface crack, as well as comparing near field value of sensor with coating common material are finished. Results can be seen that MMs film sensor near electromagnetic field and radiation properties are obviously better than other two kinds of structures without coating medium and coating with common medium, and Metamaterial may be opened out some new kinds of sensors in electromagnetic flaw nondestructive testing for potential practical applications in future.