Objective:To evaluate the effect of ingestion of ethanolic whole plant extract of Eleucine indica on haematological and biochemical parameters of Wistar albino rats.Methods:Subchronic toxicity study was carried out by oral administration of different doses(200,400 and 600 mg/kg body weight)of the extract on alternate-day basis to different groups of rats for 28 days.The animals were subsequently sacrificed and blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture for haematological and biochemical analyses.Results:Haematological indices were preserved and the extract showed significant(P<0.01–0.001)haemostatic potentials.There was significant reduction(P<0.05–0.001)in total bilirubin,aspartate aminotransferase(P<0.001),alanine transaminase(P<0.05),alkaline phosphatase(P<0.001)and blood glucose(P<0.001)compared to control.The level of total protein increased significantly(P<0.05–0.001).Kidney functions were,however,intact.Conclusions:The results obtained indicated that ingestion of Eleucine indica whole plant extract for a long period of time reduces both bleeding and clotting times,reduces blood sugar and shows no apparent toxic effect on liver and kidneys.The results of this study may be useful as a basis for clinical trials in humans.
Supported by Education Trust Fund(ETF 056)of the University of Uyo.