The serious competition environment of global marke t requests the enterprise to change traditional product development strategy and a dopt new theory in order to meet diverse customer needs while maintaining near m ass production efficiency, which is the main philosophy of mass customization. P roduct family design is research focus at present and also is the core technolog y of DFMC (design for mass customization). Firstly, this paper explores the fund amental issues of product family, such as concepts of modularity, commonality/di versity, product platform and product family architecture etc. We compare the te rminology between product family and object-oriented approach in the next step. Thirdly, this paper puts forwards one product family design methodology based o n product platform and under different phase of product life cycle constrains, f or example, functional, assembly and service etc. At the end section of this pap er, we applied, the object-oriented approach in above mentioned product family design methodology to realize the design process. In one word, this paper propos ed one product family design methodology based on object oriented approach and p roduct life cycle consideration, especially the conjointness of characteristic o f OOA and concepts of product family. The main property of OOA are encapsulation , inherence and polymorphism. Encapsulation can represent the module or building blocks of product family. Inherence can be extended to describe the modularity and commonality, and also be used to construct variant space. Alternative specif ic of product family architecture can be embodied with polymorphism. And fin aly, we give the future work contents. In order to derive the product platform a nd achieve modularity and commonality/diversity, interface management between bu ilding block is necessary. The question is how the OOA can be applied in interfa ce management to get our aim OOA is the basis of many information management sy stem, then the question is how to build one system to manage the information of product family and support mass customization The third question is how to deve lop one computer aided tool to facilitate the application of OOA for product fam ily design, even be used to category of design for mass customization.
The serious competition environment of global marke t requests the enterprise to change traditional product development strategy and a dopt new theory in order to meet diverse customer needs while maintaining near m ass production efficiency, which is the main philosophy of mass customization. P roduct family design is research focus at present and also is the core technolog y of DFMC (design for mass customization). Firstly, this paper explores the fund amental issues of product family, such as concepts o...
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
TheCIMSSubjectofNational"863"HighTechnologyProject(863 5 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 )