利用中国春ph1b突变体和中国春为母本 ,分别与甘肃黑麦和兰州黑麦杂交 ,F1 观察减数分裂中期染色体配对情况 ,并用中国春回交 ,统计回交结实率。研究表明 ,无论以CSph1b还是以CS做母本 ,用甘肃黑麦做父本的杂交组合 (CSph1b×甘肃黑麦和CS×甘肃黑麦 )F1 减数分裂中期染色体配对水平 ,均明显高于用兰州黑麦作父本的杂交组合 (CSph1b×兰州黑麦和CS×兰州黑麦 )。首次发现在中国的黑麦品种甘肃黑麦中含有促进部分同源杂色体配对基因。F1 减数分裂中期染色体配对情况分析表明 ,甘肃黑麦中可能含有 ph1b like基因 ,其作用与ph1b基因相似。回交结实情况表明 ,用甘肃黑麦为父本的杂交组合 [(CS×甘肃黑麦 )F1 ×CS和 (CSph1b×甘肃黑麦 )F1 ×CS]的回交结实率 ( 11 54和 1 0 6)显著高于用兰州黑麦为父本的组合 [(CS×兰州黑麦 )F1×CS和 (CSph1b×兰州黑麦 )F1 ×CS]的回交结实率 ( 0 16和 0 4 2 )。从染色体配对和回交结实情况看 ,利用ph1b基因的同时 。
Chinese Spring ph1b mutant and Chinese Spring wheat as female were crossed respe ctively with Gansu rye and Lanzhou rye for observing their MI chromosomes pairin g in F1 generation.Then the F1 plants were backcrossed with Chinese Spring t o test the seed set.The result shows that whatever the female is,Chinese Spring ph1b mutant or Chinese Spring,the chromosomes pairing level of the combinations with Gansu rye is much higher than that of Lanzhou rye.It is the first time to d iscover that the promoting homoeologous chromosomes pairing gene exist in Gansu rye.The analysis to the result of F1 MI chromosomes pairing in all combination s suggests that Gansu rye may have ph1b-like gene.In addition,the result of bac kcross shows that the rate of seed set in the combination with Gansu rye as male are obviously higher.Thereby,it is evident that Gansu rye in transferring desir able genes from rye to wheat is more sufficient than Lanzhou rye,especially with the utilization of ph1b gene.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica