In this paper an attempt of employing network resources to solve a complex and time-consuming problem is presented. The global illumination problem is selected as the study objective. An improved density estimation algorithm is first developed, in which the more inherent concurrency is explored. Then its parallel implementation by using a PVM mechanism and the running performance analysis are provided. The analysis results show the expected speed-up obtained and demonstrate that the PVM has good application prospects for parallel computation in a distributed network.
对利用网络资源解决复杂且耗时的计算问题做了尝试 .选择典型的粒子跟踪整体光照计算问题作为研究对象 ,提出一种改进的且充分发掘其内在相关特性的密度估计算法 .在以太网连接的多台微机上 ,以PVM (并行虚拟机 )机制实现了该算法的并行计算 .通过对各项运算性能指标的测试与分析 ,结果显示可获得良好的加速比 。