Differential expression of gene in iron-efficient wheat cultivar Jing411 and iron-inefficient cul-tivar SanshumaiS under iron-deficiency and iron-sufficiency conditions was revealed by differential display reverse transcript PCR (DDRT-PCR) method. Northern blotting was carried out using ATP-binding transporter (ABC) cDNA obtained from DDRT-PCR products of the cultivar Jing411 as probe. Our results suggested that ABC gene expression was suppressed under iron-deficiency condition.
Differential expression of gene in iron-efficient wheat cultivar Jing411 and iron-inefficient cul-tivar SanshumaiS under iron-deficiency and iron-sufficiency conditions was revealed by differential display reverse transcript PCR (DDRT-PCR) method. Northern blotting was carried out using ATP-binding transporter (ABC) cDNA obtained from DDRT-PCR products of the cultivar Jing411 as probe. Our results suggested that ABC gene expression was suppressed under iron-deficiency condition.