
子宫颈癌微卫星不稳定性和HPV感染的研究 被引量:2

A study on microsatellite instability and HPV infection in cervical cancer
摘要 目的 探讨微卫星不稳定性 (microsatelliteinstability ,MI)及人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV)感染与宫颈癌的相关性。方法  2 2例宫颈浸润性鳞癌石蜡标本 ,选取 3、 5、 6号染色体上的 3个微卫星位点D3S1 2 89、D5S4 0 6、D6S2 77进行MI分析 ;选用HPV 1 6 / 1 8型特异引物进行HPV检测 ;应用免疫组化法检测Ki6 7蛋白的表达。结果 在宫颈癌标本中 3个位点均未发现MI和杂合性缺失 (LOH)的改变 ;HPV1 6 / 1 8检出率为 77 3% ,Ki6 7指数明显高于对照组。结论  3个微卫星位点未见MI和LOH的改变 ,与国外报道不同 ,可能与种族差异有关。HPV分型及Ki6 Objective To investigate the relationship between microsatellite instability (MI) or human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer. Methods MI of 3 microsatellite markers, HPV16/18 and Ki67 protein expression were detected by MI analysis, PCR and immunostaining respectively in 22 invasive squamous cancers and 11 normal cervix. Results MI and loss of heterozygosity(LOH)in D3S1289,D5S406,D6S2773 were not detectable in 22 cervical cancers,but 17 of which were HPV 16/18 positive, and 11 normal cervix were HPV 16/18 negative. The Ki67 index of cervical cancer was significantly higher than normal ones. Conclusions In Chinese women with cervical cancer, MI and LOH of microsatellite markers are undetectable. Examination of HPV16/18 infection and Ki67 protein expression are valuable for diagnosis of cervical disease.
出处 《中国妇产科临床杂志》 2003年第4期250-252,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 教育部高等学校骨干教师基金资助
关键词 宫颈癌 微卫星不稳定性 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV) KI67 Cervical cancer Microsatellite instability Human papillomavirus Ki67 antigen
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