
Existing forms of REE in gold-bearing pyrite of the Jinshan gold deposit,Jiangxi Province,China 被引量:11

Existing forms of REE in gold-bearing pyrite of the Jinshan gold deposit,Jiangxi Province,China
摘要 Rare earth element(REE) is widely used in various fields of geology.Study of the existing forms of REE in geological objects is a necessity for us to solve geological problems related with REE.This paper tried to make it clear the existing forms of REE in gold-bearing pyrite in Jinshan gold deposit by stepwise dissolution test with ICP-MS analysis.Results showed that content of REE in fluid-inclusions of gold-bearing pyrite was very low,which only took about 0.07%–0.70% of the ΣREE,and that of pyrite phase ... Rare earth element(REE) is widely used in various fields of geology.Study of the existing forms of REE in geological objects is a necessity for us to solve geological problems related with REE.This paper tried to make it clear the existing forms of REE in gold-bearing pyrite in Jinshan gold deposit by stepwise dissolution test with ICP-MS analysis.Results showed that content of REE in fluid-inclusions of gold-bearing pyrite was very low,which only took about 0.07%–0.70% of the ΣREE,and that of pyrite phase ...
出处 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第6期1079-1087,共9页 稀土学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40373025)
关键词 REE existing form fluid inclusion silicate phase PYRITE Jinshan gold deposit REE existing form fluid inclusion silicate phase pyrite Jinshan gold deposit
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