
农田土壤动物与土壤理化性质关系的研究 被引量:65

Study on the Relationship Between Agricultural Soil Fauna and Soil Physicochemical Properties
摘要 2001年夏季作物收割季节,采用系统调查法对国家土壤肥力和肥料效益监测基地网的黄土、潮土、水稻土、紫色土、红壤5 个土壤类型定位试验中的对照(CK)、撂荒、NPK、NPK+OM、NPK+S 和1.5(NPK+ OM)施肥小区的土壤动物调查。采集土壤样品90个,通过手捡法和Cobb过筛法,共获得土壤动物6 414只,隶属6门12纲22目,同时对采集的土壤样品理化性质进行分析。以8类主要农田土壤动物与土壤理化性质的6项指标为研究对象,采用典型相关分析方法,研究影响农田土壤动物的主要因子。结果表明,在土壤理化性质6项指标中,土壤有机质、田间持水量和土壤全氮负荷量(或权重系数)较高;8类主要土壤动物中,线虫、蜱螨类和鞘翅目昆虫负荷量较高,在两者作为一个整体的组合中,土壤有机质、田间持水量和土壤全氮对线虫、蜱螨类和鞘翅目昆虫影响较大,而土壤有机质和土壤全氮对线虫、蜱螨类的作用最大,其它土壤因子与土壤动物类群之间相关性较弱。土壤动物主要类群组的变化分别被土壤理化性质第Ⅰ变量和第Ⅱ变量解释的比例为10.79%和13.00%,仍有76.21%以上变化不能得到解释。 During the summer harvest of 2001, field investigations of 90 samples of soil and 6 414 individuals of soil fauna collected by handsorting and Cobb method from 6 treatments (CK, abandon, NPK, MNPK, 1.5MNPK and SNPK)of 5 types of soil (Loess soil, Fluvo-aquic soil, Paddy soil , Purple paddy soil and Red soil) at the State's Experimental Research Network for Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, which belonged to 6 Phyla, 12 Classes, 22 Orders, respectively, were carried out. The relationship between agricultural soil fauna and soil physicochemical properties was analysed by canonical correlation analysis based on 6 indexes of soil physicochemical properties and 8 types of soil fauna in the paper, which respectively include soil organic matter, pH, porosity, field capacity, total nitrogen, volume weight and Nemata, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Araneae, Acariformes, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Collembola, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, aimed to find major soil factor variables affecting soil fauna in different treatments of different types of soil. The results indicated that Nemata, Acariformes and Coleoptera were affected by the contents of organic matters, total nitrogen and field capacity in soil, especially Nemata and Acariformes by the contents of organic matters and total nitrogen in soil, while other factors had not much relation with that pattern of distribution. It was found that 10.79% and 13.00% of the variance of soil fauna in 6 types of soil was respectively explained by the first and the second canonical variable of soil factor variable, the rest was not interpreted yet.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期871-877,共7页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 科技部社会公益研究专项<中国土壤生物演化及安全预警系统研究>部分内容(2 0 0 0 - 1 7 7)
关键词 农田土壤动物 土壤理化性质 典型相关分析 系统调查法 土壤肥力 Agricultural soil fauna Soil physical and chemical properties Canonical correlation analysis
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