The breeding biology of the Spot-billed Pelican(Pelecanus philippensis)was investigated from September 2007 to September 2010 in Karaivetti Lake,Tamil Nadu,India.The Spot-billed Pelican breeds between November and April at the Karaivetti Lake.It also breeds roughly during the same period at other breeding sites in Tamil Nadu,except for the Vedanthangal and Karikili bird sanctuaries,where pelicans arrives much earlier and their breeding activities start and end to some extent ahead of the other sites,i.e.,from September to March.In essence,the breeding season starts after the onset of the northeast monsoon in Tamil Nadu.A few days after their arrival,pelicans perform courtship display,form pairs,start nest construction and lay eggs.Courtship display is not as attractive and impressive as in other waterbirds.The clutch size varies from two to three eggs and the incubation period from 25 to 36 days.The fledging period varies from a minimum of 90 to a maximum of 102 days.The nest success rate of the Spot-billed Pelican at Karaivetti was 90.28% during the study period.
于2007年9月至2010年9月在印度泰米尔那德邦Karaivetti湖研究了斑嘴鹈鹕(Pelecanus philippensis)的繁殖生物学。斑嘴鹈鹕于11月至次年4月在Karaivetti湖进行繁殖,此外,在该邦维旦汉加尔(Vedanthangal)和卡里吉利(Karikili)两个鸟类保护区以外的地区也有繁殖。斑嘴鹈鹕在维旦汉加尔和卡里吉利两个保护区繁殖的起止时间也比其他地方稍有提前——为9月至次年3月。斑嘴鹈鹕在东北季风到来后开始繁殖。抵达该地数日后,即可陆续观察到其求偶炫耀、配对、筑巢及产卵等行为。斑嘴鹈鹕的求偶炫耀不如其他水鸟引人注目。窝卵数约2-3枚,孵化期为25-36天,育雏期则为90至102天。研究期内,Karaivetti鸟类保护区斑嘴鹈鹕的繁殖成功率为90.28%。
India for funding the study
the Tamil Nadu Forest Department for granting me the required permission