Common Cuckoos(Cuculus canorus) parasitize nests of small passerines.e Cuckoo chicks cause the death of their nest-mates when evicting eggs or nestlings from the nests;consequently,hosts su er from a high loss of reproduction.Host adaptations against parasitism,e.g.,by egg discrimination behavior,and cuckoo counter-adaptations to hosts,e.g.,by mimetic eggs,are often regarded as a result of the arms race between the two interacting species.In Hungary Great Reed Warblers(Acrocephalus arundinaceus) are the main hosts of cuckoos,su ering from heavy parasitism(ca.40-65%).e Oriental Reed Warbler(A.orientalis),formerly a subspecies of the Great Reed Warbler(A.a.orientalis),is also a highly parasitized host in Japan(25-40%).We compared main characteristics of Cuckoo parasitism in these two distant areas from the Western and Eastern Palearctic by comparing cuckoo egg mimicry.We measured color characteristics of host and parasitic eggs by spectrophotometer.Visual modeling revealed lower chromatic distances between Cuckoo and host eggs in Hungary than in Japan,but high variation both in host and Cuckoo eggs may cause matching problems in Hungary.Achromatic(brightness) di erence between host and Cuckoo eggs were lower in Japan than in Hungary,and it proved to be the most important factor a ecting egg rejection.Hosts rejected Cuckoo eggs at similar frequencies(37% and 35% in Hungary and Japan,respectively).Host adaptation,i.e.,egg rejection behavior,seems to be preceding Cuckoo counter-adaptations to hosts in Japan.We suggest that the Cuckoo-Great/Oriental Reed Warbler relationships developed in alternative ways in Japan and Hungary,and they represent di erent stages of their arms race.
大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)通常寄生小型雀形目鸟类。由于杜鹃雏鸟的排他性拱卵或拱雏,导致宿主繁殖失败,因此宿主进化出如卵识别能力的反寄生策略。反过来,杜鹃也同时进化出如模拟宿主卵的寄生策略。于是两者之间的相互作用可形成类似军备竞赛的协同进化关系。在匈牙利,大苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)是大杜鹃的主要宿主,寄生率可高达约 40-65%。以往被认为是大苇莺一个亚种的东方大苇莺(A. orientalis)在日本的种群也被大杜鹃寄生(25-40%)。通过采用光纤光谱仪量化大杜鹃及其宿主的卵色特征,我们比较了东、西半球大杜鹃对两种苇莺的寄生模拟程度。鸟类视觉模型显示,对于可见光颜色,杜鹃与宿主之间卵色的模拟程度在匈牙利高于日本,但匈牙利杜鹃和宿主均较大的卵色变异程度可导致卵色模拟困难。杜鹃与苇莺卵色的量度差异在日本较低,这被证明是宿主拒卵行为的一个重要影响因素。苇莺对大杜鹃卵的拒绝率在日本(35%)和匈牙利(37%)相似。与匈牙利不同,在日本,宿主对杜鹃寄生的应对策略如拒卵行为,先于杜鹃的反适应对策。我们认为,两种近缘物种大苇莺对杜鹃寄生的不同反寄生行为,代表了协同进化军备竞赛的不同演化阶段。
supported by the bilateral project of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to F.T. and C.M. 2003-2005
by the Hungarian Scienti c Research Fund (OTKA
grant No.T35015,48397 and 83217) to C.M. e Duna-Ipoly and Kiskunság National Parks provided permissions for research