Polymetallic sulphides have been consistent source of metals like iron, copper, zinc and lead. Apart from these they are also seen as economically viable resources of silver and gold. As the demand of these metals is showing an astoundingly increasing trend, the search for their resources has also increased in similar folds. This has resulted in many nations' focus on deep seabed resources of the polymetallic sulphides. Consequently, International Seabed Authority (ISBA) has provided 'Regulations' to obtain plan of work for exploration of polymetallic sulphide deposits in deep seabed 'Area'. Following the release of these Regulations, several countries are in the process of obtaining the licence for exploration of these metals from the deep seabed regions. Detailed information about the science and ISBA Regulations for exploration of polymetallic sulphide deposits is prerequisite to submit an application to ISBA for their exploration. The current contribution provides a comprehensive review of the science behind locating polymetallic sulphide deposits in geological setting of deep seabed as well as about the ISBA Regulations for their exploration.
Polymetallic sulphides have been consistent source of metals like iron, copper, zinc and lead. Apart from these they are also seen as economically viable resources of silver and gold. As the demand of these metals is showing an astoundingly increasing trend, the search for their resources has also increased in similar folds. This has resulted in many nations’ focus on deep seabed resources of the polymetallic sulphides. Consequently, International Seabed Authority (ISBA) has provided ’Regulations’ to obtain plan of work for exploration of polymetallic sulphide deposits in deep seabed ’Area’. Following the release of these Regulations, several countries are in the process of obtaining the licence for exploration of these metals from the deep seabed regions. Detailed information about the science and ISBA Regulations for exploration of polymetallic sulphide deposits is prerequisite to submit an application to ISBA for their exploration. The current contribution provides a comprehensive review of the science behind locating polymetallic sulphide deposits in geological setting of deep seabed as well as about the ISBA Regulations for their exploration.