
贫氧条件下生活垃圾的气化燃烧特性及其反应速率模型 被引量:3

Gasification and Combustion Characteristics and Reaction Rate Model of MSW under Oxygen-poor Condition
摘要 对城市生活垃圾在贫氧条件下进行了气化燃烧实验,分析了贫氧时不同供风含氧量和炉温条件下垃圾气化燃烧特性的差异,并采用11种反应机理函数对实验结果进行了拟合计算,以寻求合理的反应速率模型.结果表明,提高供风含氧量和炉温能缩短垃圾气化燃烧反应时间,提高反应速率,有利于垃圾气化燃烧过程进行;贫氧时不同的供风含氧量条件下垃圾的反应机理函数形式各不相同,当供风含氧量分别为5%,11%,16%及21%时,反应活化能E分别为-15.5,34.6,-6.4及14.7kJ/mol,频率因子A分别为-6.93×10-4,1.07×10-1,-1.29×10-2及4.24×10-2s-1,由此获得了垃圾的燃烧反应速率模型. In order to obtain the optimum reaction rate model under oxygen-poor condition, the experiments on gasification and combustion of MSW were carried,their characteristics were studied under different oxygen percents in air and furnace temperatures,and 11 forms of reaction mechanism functions were adopted for linear fitting calculation. The results showed that with increasing of oxygen percent and furnace temperature,reaction time was shortened and reaction rate increased,and gasification and combustion reactions of MSW were promoted as well. Under oxygen-poor condition,reaction mechanism functions of MSW did not take the same form when oxygen content was different. When oxygen content was 5%,11%,16% or 21%,the corresponding reaction activation energy was -15.5,34.6,-6.4 or 14.7 kJ/mol,and the frequency factor -6.93×10-4,1.07×10-1,-1.29×10-2 or 4.24×10-2 s-1,and the reaction rate models of MSW were obtained as well.
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期81-86,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:50674110)
关键词 城市生活垃圾 气化燃烧 供风含氧量 炉温 municipal solid waste gasification and combustion oxygen percent furnace temperature
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