To utilize exist SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acqui si tion)/EMS (Energy Management System) fully and economize capital, Henan Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center in China established a set of Henan Dispatcher Training Simulator (HNDTS) base on its exist SCADA/EMS. In order to i ntegrated with exist SCADA/EMS, the integration method and technique are propose d. Graph data integration discussed with emphasis. After integration implemented , HNDTS can share all data with SCADA/EMS and dispatchers can be trained in same environment as real work situation, in the same time it can avoid amout of work of maintenance engineers. Both advantages and disadvantages of integration are analyzed. In the end of paper, the requirement for future DTS is put forward bas e on the experience of author.
To utilize exist SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acqui si tion)/EMS (Energy Management System) fully and economize capital, Henan Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center in China established a set of Henan Dispatcher Training Simulator (HNDTS) base on its exist SCADA/EMS. In order to i ntegrated with exist SCADA/EMS, the integration method and technique are propose d. Graph data integration discussed with emphasis. After integration implemented , HNDTS can share all data with SCADA/EMS and dispatchers can be trained in same environment as real work situation, in the same time it can avoid amout of work of maintenance engineers. Both advantages and disadvantages of integration are analyzed. In the end of paper, the requirement for future DTS is put forward bas e on the experience of author.