
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Oral Cancer Tissue Using Polymerase Chain Reaction

Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Oral Cancer Tissue Using Polymerase Chain Reaction
摘要 Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 25 specimens from 22 patients with oral carcinomas were examined by 6 selected primers of human papillomavirus (HPV). Eighteen of the 22 patients (18/22) gave positive reaction with a positive rate of 81.8%. The positive rates of HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 were 27.3%, 18.2%, 63.6% and 40.9% respectively. 13.6% positive for mixed infection of HPV 16 and 18 (3/22) and 18.2% positive for mixed infection of HPV, 6, 11, 16 and 18 (4/22). Examining enlarged cervical lymph nodes in three cases with suspecting metastases to cervical lymph nodes from oral carcinomas. It revealed HPV DNA 16 and 18 in two cases and HPV DNA 18 in one case. These results suggested that there was a tendency for HPV 16 and 18 to metastasinze via lymphatics. Only one case of the three had a pathologic diagnosis of lymph node metastasis. Of the 30 non tumor controls, HPV DNA positivity was 10%, all being HPV 18. χ 2 test gave a P<0.005. It strongly indicated that HPV 16 and 18 were related to oral carcinomas. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 25 specimens from 22 patients with oral carcinomas were examined by 6 selected primers of human papillomavirus (HPV). Eighteen of the 22 patients (18/22) gave positive reaction with a positive rate of 81.8%. The positive rates of HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 were 27.3%, 18.2%, 63.6% and 40.9% respectively. 13.6% positive for mixed infection of HPV 16 and 18 (3/22) and 18.2% positive for mixed infection of HPV, 6, 11, 16 and 18 (4/22). Examining enlarged cervical lymph nodes in three cases with suspecting metastases to cervical lymph nodes from oral carcinomas. It revealed HPV DNA 16 and 18 in two cases and HPV DNA 18 in one case. These results suggested that there was a tendency for HPV 16 and 18 to metastasinze via lymphatics. Only one case of the three had a pathologic diagnosis of lymph node metastasis. Of the 30 non tumor controls, HPV DNA positivity was 10%, all being HPV 18. χ 2 test gave a P<0.005. It strongly indicated that HPV 16 and 18 were related to oral carcinomas.
出处 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS 1996年第2期20-23,共4页 生物医学研究杂志(英文版)
关键词 human papilloma virus (HPV) oral carcinoma polymerase chain reaction (PCR) human papilloma virus (HPV) oral carcinoma polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
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