Since the late 1970s, China'S economy has been growing very fast with an average rate of over 8 percent annually. Urbanization has become the indicator of economic and secial deveopment in China. Rapid growth of oromy in China pushed the process of urbanization. Since 1978, China's urban non-agricultural population has grown from under 113.4 million in 1977 to 176.09 million in 1993. The number of cities increased from 188 to 617 in 1994. With urban economic activities making up an increasing share of GDP, preductivity of urban economy will heavily influence economic growth. In eastern coastal area, because economy of larger scale and agglomeration has been made more productive, the forces contributing to urban growth bome stronger.The number of cities has increased from 78 to 247 since 1980. Urban population was over 90 million. The urbanization level reached 31.5 peed. Four megalopolises have been emerged, they are : the Shanghai -Nanjing-Hangzhou region, the Pearl River Delta region, the Beijing-Tianjin- Tangshan region and the Shenyang-Dalian region. According to statistics, the area of these four regions occupies about 2.6 perat of China's total territory, but their GDP has exceeded 35 percent of the country's total. However, the rapid urbanization also resulted in a series of problems on deveopment and environment.
Since the late 1970s, China'S economy has been growing very fast with an average rate of over 8 percent annually. Urbanization has become the indicator of economic and secial deveopment in China. Rapid growth of oromy in China pushed the process of urbanization. Since 1978, China's urban non-agricultural population has grown from under 113.4 million in 1977 to 176.09 million in 1993. The number of cities increased from 188 to 617 in 1994. With urban economic activities making up an increasing share of GDP, preductivity of urban economy will heavily influence economic growth. In eastern coastal area, because economy of larger scale and agglomeration has been made more productive, the forces contributing to urban growth bome stronger.The number of cities has increased from 78 to 247 since 1980. Urban population was over 90 million. The urbanization level reached 31.5 peed. Four megalopolises have been emerged, they are : the Shanghai -Nanjing-Hangzhou region, the Pearl River Delta region, the Beijing-Tianjin- Tangshan region and the Shenyang-Dalian region. According to statistics, the area of these four regions occupies about 2.6 perat of China's total territory, but their GDP has exceeded 35 percent of the country's total. However, the rapid urbanization also resulted in a series of problems on deveopment and environment.