etween 1980 and 1982,20 women with Paget's disease of the
nipple (PDN)and 69 women with involvement of the nipple of carcinoma
of the breast(INCB).were confirmed histopathologically among a to-tal
of 715 potients with primary operable breast cancer at Tidnjin Cdncer
Hospital and Instituete,A compari-son was made between PDN and INCB
in clinic symptom,pdthologic morphology and prognosis.Resultswere
following:(1) Clinical symptoms were mainly erythema,erosion and
crusting in PDN, and retractionof the nipple,adhesion and edema of
the skin in INCB。(2)Intraepidermal Paget cells were found in
a1120PDN,and stromal of the nipple can be infiltrated in some of
PDN。The histologic form of involvement ofINCB included
intraductal,stromal and intraductal as well asstromal(3)The survival
rate in PDN is better than in INCB。
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment